Armstrong and Aldrin stayed on Moon for just more 21 hours-two-and-a-half hours of which were spent outside the Lunar Module exploring and conducting scientific experiments. At 1:53 pm on July 21 the astronauts lifted off from the Moon in the module's ascent stage and then rendezvoused with Collins and the orbiting spacecraft. The three explorers fired away from lunar orbit on July 22 and returned to Earth on July 24.

Apollo 11 Lunar Module Eagle ascent stage as it approached the command module Columbia for rendezvous. After docking, the astronauts transferred to Columbia, the ascent stage was jettisoned, and the return trip to Earth began.

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Racing to Space
The Moon decision
To reach the moon
Apollo 11
Later Apollo missions
What we learned about the Moon
After the Apollo Program

©National Air and Space Museum
Created: 7/99